Friday, November 12, 2021

Would you rather be a principal or a teacher for a day?

 kia ora bloggers!

Today I'm gonna be sharing my writing of would you rather be a principal or a teacher for a day?

I would be a principal because I will get to make up the rules and do anything around the school. But if i was a teacher I would have to teach a lot people and I will have to set everything up also I would have to attend school for 4 terms each year.

I hope you guys liked reading my writing bye.   

Thursday, October 28, 2021

How to turn your teacher into a toad!

Kia ora bloggers!

Today I'm gonna Show you how to turn your teacher into a toad.


100 bugs

10 rats

5 lion heads


expired cheese

a pig

A wand



and spoon


1. pop a 100 bugs in youcauldron

2. chuck 10 rats in the cauldron

3. pop in 5 lion heads

4. chuck in a frog

5. put in some expired cheese

6. pop in a pigs body

7. pour some dust in your cauldron

8. Then mix it

When the liquid changes to red to green,your position is ready

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Shake Out Poster 2021

Kia ora bloggers!

Today I'm gonna show you my 
poster for earthquakes.


Are you ready? BE PREPARED
Earthquake in New Zealand: Pictures From a "War Zone"After a big earthquake, a public mental health crisis will follow - Los  Angeles Times

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The haunted house

 Kia ora bloggers to day i'm gonna be talking about The haunted house here's my story


If I was at a haunted house I would be scared when I enter the house because there might be a ghost inside.If I was in the haunted house I would get all of the candy and then run away with it. It would be so creepy if i was there cause there is a sign that said keep out.It looks like it has been abandoned ever since the 1970s because it looks old, dusty and haunted. 

I hope you guys enjoyed reading my story.Bye bloggers

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Would you rather...

 Kia ora bloggers,

Would you rather use your money to be a Space Tourist or use that money to save the world.I would use the money for the world because thats where we live and it is are home.If the earth was destroyed it would be the end of humanity and there would be no where else to go.If we tried to look for an other planet it would take so long. All About The First Space Tourist - Space Legal IssuesTHE BEST OF THE WORL on Twitter: "Seabiscuit La Pelicula"

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Would you rather not be able to talk for a whole day or not be able to move for an hour?

 Would you rather not be able to talk for a whole day or not be able to move for an hour?

I would not be able to talk for a whole day because when ever I talk it gets so loud in my house.It gets annoying to my siblings when they are trying to fouces on there work.I didn't choose to not be able to move for an hour because my legs would probable be hurting and I mite want to go toilet.   

Thursday, September 23, 2021

My 100 word story challenge

  In lockdown I went mountain with my family. We climbed up the mountain. I was so tired when I was tired I stopped half way and drank water. Then I continued all the way to the top. When I got to the top I pulled some food and ate. A dog came by and it put its tongue out so then I gave food to the dog.The dog owner came and took the dog. When I finished eating, I went down the mountain to the park.When I finished playing in the park I went back home. The end.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The 3 little tuatara

 Once upon a time there was 3 tuatara they lived with there dad and mom. They always use to get in a lot of trouble by breaking stuff and fighting.Their parents kicked the 3 tuatara out.When they were kicked out they were still fighting so then they spitted up and built there own house.The first tuatara built his house with straw.The 2nd tuatara built his house out of wood.The 3rd tuatara built his house out of brick.A hoiho came by and tried to destroy the 3 tuatara house’s.The hoiho came to the first tuatara house that was built out of straw,the hoiho crushed it but the tuatara managed to get out before he got crushed.the tuatara ran to his brother and says “A hoiho just crushed my home can I come into your house please”Then his brother says yes.All of the sudden the hoiho comes and crushed the 2 tuatara house.The 2 tuatara runs to The 3rd tuatara and asked if they could live there, he said yes.They saw the hoiho coming they quickly ran in,but the hoiho tried to crush the tuatara's house but he couldn't destroy it but his feet was starting to hurt so he tried one more time but he broke his feet so he ran and wasn't coming back again so the the 3 tuatara lived happily ever after,The end.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Would you rather be a space astronaut or a deep sea diver

Malo e lelei bloggers!

Would you rather be a space astronaut or a deep sea diver.I would be a space astronaut because you could explore new planets and discover new thing out in space also you could jump high.I chose space astronaut because when you are out in space when you look at the planets it looks cool.Why i didn't I chose a deep sea diver because its dark when you swim further it sometime gets dangerous.

 With travel on Earth curtailed, should you start training to be an astronaut?  - Lonely Planet472 Scuba Diver In Dark A Cave Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images  - iStock