Friday, July 31, 2020

Beeswax wraps

Talofa lava blogging world,

Did you know that this month is plastic free July?In our class we have been looking at plastic  in our
classroom and the plastic rubbish that we create. We´ve also been learning about how our plastic rubbish impact on our oceans and wildlife.

To help reduce the amount of single use plastic (like cling film)that we throw away,we had a go at
making some beeswax wraps.Beeswax wraps are good for our environment  because they can be refused again and again.

 How to make Beeswax Wraps

What you will need:
  • 100% Cotton (fabric)
  • Pinking shears
  • Beeswax pellets 
  • Baking paper  
  • Iron
  • Old towel 
  • Cardboard (optional)

  1. Chose a fabric that is 100%  
  2. Cut the cloth using the pinking shears into a square  (measuring 30cm by 30cm)
  3. Sprinkle a hand fill of beeswax pellets onto the fabric.spread it out evenly
  4. Place the baking paper on top of the 100% cotton fabric and beeswax
  5. Iron the top of the baking paper and move around or place your Iron on top of the baking paper for 5 second


  1. Talofa lava tino my name is dayton and i am a year 4 and i am samoan and you are tonga right.

  2. hi my name is Dayton and i am a year 4 also i am grade 4 and i am good at math
    your probly very good at math

  3. hi my name is Dayton and i am a year 4 also i am grade 4 and i am good at math
    your probly very better at math.

  4. Hi my name is Ehmarze and I am a year 5 I really like how you made your pattern It is really Interesting and cool.

  5. Hello Tino My name is Ehmarze and Im a year 5 I like how you the cloth and sprinkled those things it is very cool

  6. wow tino really liking it keep it up tino

  7. wow tion really liking it keep it up
